With 12 new cases of dengue on bonaire, prevention of further spread is key

The Public Health Department urges everyone to help prevent the spread of dengue.

According to the Public Health Department, 12 confirmed cases of dengue were added during the week of January 22 to 30 this year. A total of 18 cases of dengue have now been diagnosed in Bonaire between January 1, 2024, and the end of last week. A slight increase in the number of people with dengue-like symptoms has been reported by general practitioners, which is to be expected since it has rained a lot recently and the dengue mosquito lays its eggs in stagnant water.

The Public Health Department urges everyone to help prevent the spread of dengue. This can be done, for example, by emptying all objects that contain stagnant water. It is also important to make sure you don’t get stung, for example, by using an anti-mosquito ointment with DEET.

Dengue Symptoms and Recommendations 

Most people who contract dengue experience few or no symptoms. A small percentage of people with dengue do develop symptoms. These include pain behind the eyes, headache, high fever, joint and muscle pain, and rash. The symptoms usually go away on their own after 1 or 2 weeks. With dengue, the chance of getting very severe symptoms is quite low.

In case of symptoms, it is recommended to drink plenty of water. For fever, you can only use paracetamol. For pain, do not use any medications that can dilute the blood, such as aspirin, or cause side effects like stomach upset or even bleeding, such as Ibuprofen or Voltaren. If you are experiencing severe symptoms, you should see your doctor. The Public Health Department works closely with general practitioners, laboratories and the hospital.

To prevent an increase in dengue mosquitoes

Remove all objects that contain standing water around the house, such as:

- small containers

- car tires

- bottles

- cans

Also, if you have any barrels or large containers of rainwater, cover them with a cloth tied with an elastic cord or quick tie.

To prevent dengue mosquito stings:

- Apply a DEET ointment to your body

- Apply a DEET spray to your body

- Wear light-colored clothing that covers your body well

- Use mosquito nets or screens at home

- Keep windows and doors tightly closed

- Always sleep under a mosquito net

- Use a mosquito repellent spray to keep rooms mosquito-free.

General practitioners and laboratories report dengue cases to the Public Health Department. After receiving a report, the Public Health Department will contact the infected person and provide tips and recommendations. Next, an inspector from the department will visit the home. Part of an inspector's job is to eliminate dengue mosquito breeding sites. They will therefore check for and treat any breeding sites around the sick person's home.

Do you need advice or help with rainwater stored in barrels or containers? Or do you have a lot of mosquito problems? If so, call the Public Health Department at 715-5324.

For more information on dengue, please visit bonairegov.com/muggen.