The Electricity Supplement is also available to households with a monthly income of $2,033 - $3,817.

Households with the lowest incomes may also still apply for the supplement.

Households with an income of between $2,033 and $3,817 per month may now also apply for the $1,300 supplement for their electricity bill. Since last year, households with the lowest incomes have already been able to apply for the $1,300 supplement. The Executive Council has decided that, going forward, not only the households with minimum wages may apply for the supplement, but also those with an income of between $2,033 and $3,817. Residents may apply for this supplement online at in the “campaigns” section of the website.

The supplement is granted only once. The amount of $1,300 will be deposited into the applicant's WEB account or given as tokens to households with Pagabon.

From 6 February 2023, it will also be possible to apply for the supplement during consultation hours at community centers. The dates and times of these consultation hours may be found at

Whether a person is eligible to receive the supplement will be determined by the number of persons in a household and the amount of the monthly income(s). To receive the supplement a single person with no children must have an income of no more than $2,033. For a single person with one minor child the maximum income is set at $2,551. For a single person with two or more minor children the maximum income is set at $3,069.

The maximum combined income for two adults without children in one household is set at $2,782 per month. If two adults and one minor child form a household their maximum combined income should not be higher than $3,299. For a household of two adults and two or more minors the maximum combined income is set at $3,817. For households with more than two adults, with or without minors, the maximum combined income should not be higher than €3,817.

When applying for the supplement, applicants must submit their salary statements for the previous three months or their bank statements from the last three months. Residents who have earnings from their own business must submit proof of registration from the Chamber of Commerce as well as their bank statements for the past three months.

Residents who have income from casual employment must submit bank statements from the previous three months. People who receive a pension, and/or people who receive AOV benefits (disability insurance payments) or a company pension must submit their letter detailing their pension/AOV payments. They must also submit their bank statements for the previous three months. Persons receiving social assistance benefits (welfare) must submit their letter from the SZW.

For questions about the electricity supplement, residents may email or call/app the number 701 1055.