European Solidarity Corps

Application statusBudgetFund durationGrant sizeHow to accessThemeType of support
Open (1 call)€1 billion2021-2027N/ACalls for proposalsSocial InclusionGrants


A Solidarity Project is a non-profit solidarity activity initiated, developed and implemented by young people themselves for a period from 2 to 12 months. A project involves a group of minimum of five young people to focus on a clearly identified topic which they will explore through daily activities that involve all the members of the group. Solidarity Projects address key challenges within the communities, where relevant including those identified jointly in the border regions and it should also provide clear European added value.

Strands under this  programme:

  • Volunteering
  • Traineeships (whereas traineeships can still run this year funded by the budget from the previous programme, please be aware that in the new programme 2021-2027 they are discontinued) 
  • Jobs (whereas jobs can still run this year funded by the budget from the previous programme, please be aware that in the new programme 2021-2027 they are discontinued)
  • Local solidarity projects

These can be in a wide range of fields – education and training, citizenship and democratic participation, environment and natural protection, migration, culture, and many others. 

Who can apply?

All European citizens aged between 18 and 30 can participate in the European Solidarity Corps. Any public or private entity whether non-profit or profit making, local, regional, national or international may apply for funding under the European Solidarity Corps. In addition, groups of young people registered in the European Solidarity Corps Portal, may apply for funding for Solidarity Projects.

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