Creative Europe

Application statusBudgetFund durationGrant sizeHow to accessThemeType of support
Open (141 calls)€2.44 billion2021-2027€200.000 to €2 million Calls for proposalsCulture & MediaGrants


The Creative Europe programme safeguards and promotes Europe’s cultural and linguistic diversity, the product of centuries of cross-cultural interaction, influences and migration.

Creative Europe's stated aims are to:

  • Support the creation of European works and help the cultural and creative sectors seize the opportunities of the digital age and globalization, in order to reach their economic potential, contributing to sustainable growth, jobs, and social cohesion;
  • Promote the competitiveness and innovation of the European audiovisual industry and help Europe's culture and media sectors access new international opportunities, markets, and audiences;
  • Promote cross-sectoral innovative actions and diverse, independent and pluralistic media.

The Creative Europe programme is divided in 3 strands:

1.Cultural Strand 

The Culture strand of the Creative Europe programme supports a wide range of cultural and creative sectors including among others

  • Architecture
  • Cultural heritage
  • Design
  • Literature and publishing
  • Music
  • Performing arts

2.Media Strand 

The MEDIA strand of the Creative Europe programme supports the European film and audiovisual industries to develop, distribute and promote European works, taking into account today’s digital environment. In addition it

  • Encourages cooperation across the value chain of the audiovisual industry and at EU level in order to scale up enterprises and European content globally
  • Nurtures talents – wherever they come from
  • Engages with audiences of all ages, specially the younger generations

To ensure more flexibility in the actions supported and to encourage cooperation among the different parts of the audiovisual value-chain, the priorities of the 2021-2027 Creative Europe programme are structured around 4 clusters.

 3.Cross cultural strand 

The CROSS-SECTORAL strand aims at reinforcing collaboration between different cultural and creative sectors, in order to help them address the common challenges they face and find innovative new solutions. This is achieved for instance through policy cooperation, the services provided by the Creative Europe desks, and the Creative Innovation Lab.

Through the Creative Innovation Lab action, Creative Europe wants to encourage innovative approaches to content creation, access, distribution, and promotion across the cultural and creative sectors, as well as with other sectors. Such approaches shall take the digital transition into account and cover both market and non-market dimensions.

The Creative Innovation Lab aims to:

  • Incentivise players from different cultural and creative sectors to design and test innovative digital solutions with long-term positive impact
  • Ease creation of innovative, close-to-market tools, models and methods for the audiovisual sector and at least another creative or cultural sector.

Creative Europe Desks are designed to:

  • Provide information about and promote the Creative Europe programme in their country
  • Assist the cultural and creative sectors in relation to the programme and provide basic information on other support opportunities
  • Stimulate cross-border cooperation within the cultural and creative sectors
  • Provide assistance regarding the cultural and creative sectors in participating countries
  • Support the Commission in ensuring proper communication and dissemination of the results and impacts of the programme
  • ensure the communication and dissemination of information concerning funding awarded to and results in a participating country.

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